February 25, 2011

Blue Dining

Is there an unsaid rule that dining rooms have to be neutral and boring? I originally posted about my dining room in December (http://morgandesigninc.blogspot.com/2010/12/dining-dilemma.html ) and have been thinking about it since.

A few weeks ago I fell in love with the following photos, but was unsure where to use that look in my house.


What about in my dining room!! Just a feature wall of this awesome colour, and it could really pop the whole half of the house. I like what Sarah Richardson did here:

Now I will have to talk hubby into it, and we'll see how that goes. While I was looking for blue dining room photos, look what else I found!! Not in my house, but you have to love this amazing space.


  1. oooh love the one Sarah Richardson did! You should convince Rich you have to do that.. : D

  2. Hah - I totally agree Marilyn!! SR is the best - that wall colour is so perfect

    Rich already shot me down about the blue wall, but maybe I can still get the look another way.... large painted canvas or something...
    Or I could just do it when he's not home :P
