February 29, 2012

Orange Dream

Last night while I was yapping Hubby's ear off about all the little tweets and artwork ideas I have for the house (this is my form of pregnancy nesting. Not folding baby clothes, but by thinking 'we really need a big horse canvas in the dining room') I showed him an orange Hermes print that I was hoping to hang in the entry area. He gave me a thumbs up, and I said thank you since 'I know you don't really like orange'. He replied 'I like orange!' Oh. WELL then - this changes everything!

I started searching photos I had pinned on Pinterest with orange accents - then I realised I, like, totally did that already. In September 2010. Well, I guess I still like it! Here are a few other orange photos that I am finding particularly charming right now

But which room do I put this hit of orange?

1 comment:

  1. In MY room, obviously! Orange is my favourite colour, and one of my favourite morgan design Blog posts!
