December 12, 2010

Cool Cushions for Cheery Chairs

Some of my earliest childhood memories are of hearing my Mom's sewing machine buzzing downstairs during nap time. She taught me at a very young age to sew, and those skills have probably benefited my life more than I think. I got an A during grade 10 in 'Grade 12 Textiles' without even trying, and made my husband smile the first time I told him I could hem his pants (not that I ever have gotten around to that). I even worked as a seamstress for a while out of a high end bed linen shop.

When I saw these two chairs at a government surplus sale a few years back, I could see right through the horrible purple fabric, and knew I could make them perfect for my house. I haggled with the sales person from $60 each to $10 each - and then they were mine! I even fit them in my car to take them home (well...kind of)

I purchased a ton of brown vinyl from my favorite local fabric store (Cloth Castle) for a steal, and then spent the next two years complaining about how difficult they were to recover. But now - they are all done! I even whipped up two cushions for them out of the same vinyl and some neat paisley fabric. What do you think? Neat what a little elbow grease and some bad language can do!

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